Notice inviting tender for the development of documentary video on BAFRA’s third-party inspection and certification




Import permit and clearance

Import of animals/plants and their products are allowed into the country with prior approval and obtaining Import Permit from BAFRA. At arrival at the point of entry, the consignment intended for import must be accompanied with a Phytosanitary Certificate for plant consignment and Zoo-sanitary Certificate for animal consignment…more

Plant and animal quarantine Services

The primary mandates of Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority (BAFRA) is to implement effective biosecurity measures to protect the agriculture farming system including animal health, and public health from risks of entry, establishment and spread of exotic and or notifiable pests and diseases. Thus, a major role is placed…more

In-country movement permits
Export certification

BAFRA facilitates the export of plant and plant products by issuing the certificates as per the requirements of the importing country following the procedure below…more

Food Handlers’ Licensing

BAFRA issues food handlers license after a health interview, training on food safety, and signing an undertaking that the food handler and all those under their supervision avoid themselves from handling food under certain conditions of illness as listed below…more

Registration & Licensing Services

A person who intends to operate a food business requires a food safety license from BAFRA. BAFRA issues food safety licence to a food business that complies with BAFRA GHP/GMP Criteria  for Licensing of food business. To obtain a food safety licence…more

Food Testing Services

To provide food testing services to the regulators, food businesses and the general public, National Food Testing Laboratory was established, and it has following testing facilities..more

Certification Services

BAFRA provides product certification services to support the farmers, industries and commerce in Bhutan for market access and trade facilitation. BAFRA implements product certification in conformity with ISO IEC 17065:2012 to provide a third party mark of certification. Our certification services will enable you…more


1. Bhutan Biosafety Clearing House (BBCH)
2. Regulated Plant Pests and Diseases Database
3. Laboratory Information Management System

4. Bhutan Bio-security and Food Safety System

5. SPS Portal


  1. Ministry of Agriculture and Forests
  2. Ministry of Economic Affairs
  3. Ministry of Education
  4. Ministry of Finance
  5. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  6. Ministry of Health
  7. Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs
  8. Ministry of Information and Communications
  9. Ministry of Labour Human Resources
  10. Ministry of Works and Human Settlement
  11. Royal Civil Service Commission
  12. Royal Audit Authority
  13. Bhutan Standards Bureau
  14. Drug Regulatory Authority
  15. G2C
  16. Election Commission of Bhutan
  17. Anticorruption Commission


  1. Codex Alimentarius Commission
  2. International Plant Protection Convention
  3. Internal Organization for Animal Health
  4. World Health Organization
  5. Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations
  6. World Food Programme

Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Post Box: 1071, 

Thimphu, Bhutan, Tel: +975-02-327031/325790 Fax: +975-02-327032/335540