Import permit and clearance

Import of animals/plants and their products are allowed into the country with prior approval and obtaining Import Permit from BAFRA. At arrival at the point of entry, the consignment intended for import must be accompanied with a Phytosanitary Certificate for plant consignment and Zoo-sanitary Certificate for animal consignment. This is a measure to prevent introduction and spread of pest and diseases of plants and animals into the country.  The import permitting and clearance procedure involves the following;

  • The importer shall submit the application for Import Permit at least one week before the expected date of arrival of consignment.
  • Duly filled application for Import Permit may be submitted to the nearest BAFRA field office (s).
  • The applicant must also submit the following applicable documents along with the application:

Personal purpose 

Commercial purpose

Government institution or agencies 

Citizenship Identity Card

Valid trade license

A letter of recommendation from the head of organization

Application fee of Nu. 100/-

Application fee of Nu. 300/-

Application fee of Nu. 100/-

  • BAFRA shall issue and regulates import of plant and plant products based on the following criteria: 


Criteria for approval and entry into Bhutan


  • Released varieties notified by the National Seed Board. 
  • Phytosanitary Certificate from competent authority of the export country
  • GMO free certificate (for notified varieties)
  • Pest Risk Analysis (if required)

Fresh fruits and vegetables 

  • Phytosanitary Certificate from competent authority of  the export country 
  • Pest risk analysis 

Wood and wood products 

  • Phytosanitary Certificate from competent authority of  the export country
  • Treatment certificate 
  • Pest risk analysis 


  • Approval from the Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests 
  • Sterilization certificate

Biological control agents

  • Applicant must be a research institution
  • Pest risk analysis 


  • Approved list of Agrochemicals notified by National Pesticide Board  
  • The status of application can be tracked online in the BBFSS portal using the application number. 
  • The importer shall fulfill the requirements prescribed in the import permit prior to importation.
  • The consignments are subject to inspection and verify documents upon arrival at point of entries. 
  • In the event of non-compliance, the consignment may be subjected to necessary testing and post-entry quarantine at the cost of the importer. 

Import Permit shall be issued with a validity of 3 months except for agrochemicals which is of  1 month and fee shall be levied as follows:

  1. Nu. 300 for commercial purpose
  2. Nu. 100 For personal Purpose
  3. Nu 100 For Government institutions or agencies.

All Import Permit applications forms are available here.

Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Post Box: 1071, 

Thimphu, Bhutan, Tel: +975-02-327031/325790 Fax: +975-02-327032/335540