Important news and notification will run here

Import of animals/plants and their products are allowed into the country with prior approval and obtaining Import Permit from BAFRA. At arrival at the point of entry, the consignment intended for import must be accompanied with a Phytosanitary Certificate for plant consignment and Zoo-sanitary Certificate for animal consignment. This is a measure to prevent introduction and spread of pest and diseases of plants and animals into the country.  The import permitting and clearance procedure involves the following.

  1. The application form for import permit of plants/animals and their products can be downloaded from BAFRA website ( The duly completed form must be submitted to the nearest BAFRA office with relevant documents; Copy of Trade license for commercial purpose and copy of CID for personal consumption at least one week ahead of imports.


  1. The respective BAFRA field office will verify the application and submit it to  BAFRA HQ for approval.


  1. The respective section and dealing officials at BAFRA HQ will conduct the import risk assessment and will grant the approval. In case the risk is high, the import request may be denied. 


  1. The import permit will be issued by the same BAFRA office (from where the import application was submitted) after payment of admissible import permit fee.


  1. On arrival of the consignment at the entry point, the importer must declare the consignment to the concerned BAFRA office along with all relevant documents as prescribed in the import permit.


  1. BAFRA officials on duty will conduct import inspection of the consignment, take samples, and may require the consignment to be placed in a quarantine station depending on the outcome of import inspection. Consignment of live animals will be placed in a quarantine station for a minimum period of 15 days except for pet animals and day old chicks.


  1. Import consignment will be released after determining the consignments are free of notifiable and or exotic pests and or diseases. In case, the consignment is found to be infested with quarantine pests and diseases, the importer may re-export to the country of origin or destroy it at the cost of the importer.


Import permit fee

  1. Fee for import of animal and animal products/plant and plant products for commercial purposes is Nu. 300/- per Import Permit


  1. Fee for import of animal and animal products / plant and plant products for personal use is Nu. 100/- per Import Permit.


Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Post Box: 1071, 

Thimphu, Bhutan, Tel: +975-02-327031/325790 Fax: +975-02-327032/335540