Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority implements measures to reduce the transmission of animal or plant, pest and diseases from one dzongkhag to another. Hence In-Country Movement Permits are issued to regulate the transmission.
Conditions for In-Country Movement permits:
Animal or animal products
From the nearest BAFRA Office an Incountry Movement Permit can be obtained. A filled form along with a letter from Gewog Livestock Official from the respective village must be submitted.
Plant or plant products
From the nearest BAFRA Office an Incountry Movement Permit can be obtained. A filled form along with a letter from Gewog Agriculture Official from the respective village or a letter from the nursery (In case of seedling) must be submitted.
All In-Country Movement Permit Application forms are available here
Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Post Box: 1071,
Thimphu, Bhutan, Tel: +975-02-327031/325790 Fax: +975-02-327032/335540