Serve as the advisory body for Codex and other food control matters within the Kingdom As per the Food Act of Bhutan 2005, the NCC is comprised of the members from relevant departments appointed upon nomination by their respective agencies or organizations:
The alternative members from each representative agencies/organization shall be appointed to maintain the consistency and continuity in the absence of permanent members. Any other expert who is not a regular member of the NCC but competent to contribute to the subject under consideration because of his professional expertise, may also be requested to attend the meeting as an observer.
The NCC appoints Codex sub-Committee (s) to provide advice of a technical nature to NCC, the NFQSC and/or the Minister and to assist in the study or consideration of technical matters on subject matters of importance to Bhutan and related to the corresponding Codex Committees.
In the composition of the Codex Sub-Committee, one of the members of the NCC is included as the member. Specialized experts in the relevant field may be nominated as members of these Codex Sub-Committees. These lists of experts may be reviewed from time to time to ensure that they meet the ongoing requirements of the NCC.