National Food Quality and Safety Commission (NFQSC) is the highest policy level decision making body responsible to maximize industry development, protect consumers, foster trade and improve food control in the Kingdom.

National Codex Committee is required to provide technical opinion and recommendations related to food safety to NFQSC for decision making.

NFQSC is responsible for reviewing and approving the work of the National Codex Committee regarding:

  1. Development and acceptance of national Technical Regulations (mandatory food Standards) regarding food quality, food safety, ingredients, additives, adulterated food, weights and measures, laboratories and other technical issues.
  2. Preparation of standards, rules and regulations, orders, and notices under the Food Act of Bhutan 2005.
  3. Policy decisions related to all Codex activities and issues.


The composition of NFQSC, scheduling of its meetings shall be convened as per the provisions of the Food Act of Bhutan 2005.