Import Procedures for Plant/Plant Products

Plant Quarantine measures in Bhutan are implemented as per the Plant Quarantine Act of Bhutan 1993 and the Plant Quarantine Rules of Bhutan 2003.
It is necessary to obtain prior approval from plant section under BAFRA before importing any plants/related products into Bhutan. The import
conditions may vary from one consignment to another depending upon the consignment and the country of origin, the general requirements are:

1. Imported plants and plant products shall regulate and inspected.
2. The consignment must be free from soil and weed seeds.
3. The consignment must be accompanied by an official Phytosanitary certificate with endorsement from competent agency of the exporting country.
4. The planting materials should be packed with the permitted package materials as provided in Plant Quarantine rules 2003.
5. Can import only those plant species that are released by the Technology released committee which is comprised by competent heads of related agency
and department under MoAF.
6. The consignment should be imported only through declare entry point since the imported consignment may be subjected to quarantine measures
depending upon the conditions stated in the import permit.
7. The importer should provide necessary information for the import permit for ornamental, seeds and plant and planting materials as required in
import application form.