Currently BAFRA has registered 31 organic farms for third-party certification. More than fifty percent of the operators are from Paro Dzongkhag. In line with the certification procedure established as per the requirements of ISO/IEC 17065 (Conformity Assessment: General Requirement for Bodies Certifying Products, Processes and Services), a preliminary visit was conducted by the BAFRA organic auditors from 22-23 October 2021 at the registered organic farm units under Paro Dzongkhag.
The objectives of the visit were to:
1. Gather additional information required for the certification purpose
2. Assess the operators’ capability and readiness to implement the organic product certification scheme, and
3. Provide technical backstopping to the organic operators for fulfillment of the certification requirements.
When the operators demonstrate the readiness to implement the certification requirements, a farm audit will be conducted to assess the farm operation compliance with the Bhutan Organic Standard for the grant of organic certificate.